最近发现自己的学业好像开始退步了... 自己好像一直做些比较不重要的东西,而学生最重要的就是学业啊~~
我爸最近也一直问我:“你的成绩还噢k吗?” “做么不曾看你在家学书的?”
我爸最近也一直问我:“你的成绩还噢k吗?” “做么不曾看你在家学书的?”
其实好久以前就一直提醒自己要把多点心思放在课业上,不知为何就是有心无力... 我现在较大的问题就是【生物学】与【历史】... 生物科的老师死板板的,学生都听到睡着了,更何况是我啦!而历史老师根本没教书的,一直说自己的故事.... 我需要人教!! 总之,加油啦!^^
呵呵... 前天,上个星期五... 卫塞节祝福队的吉他手有成就咯!!当然不是我啦... 志伟说他们有晶木的灵魂噢!!哈哈... 我拍到的相片....
if have prob, can ask yu yuan them. i think they more than willing to help. biology is not merely memorising. u need to understand then find a method that best suits u. like myself, i need to understand the relationship first then i remember. if not i cant memorise anything. if u think it is hard then it is hard. 'all that we are is the result of what we have thought' -buddha